Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, a Painting Paid for by Her Baronet, She Loved by More than Just the Viewer

Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, a Painting Paid for by Her Baronet,

She Loved by More than Just the Viewer

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

By John Singer Sargent – Own work by Ad Meskens., Public Domain,

The lady wanted prettiness and style.

(The Yankee artist wanted pounds.)  The chintz

Gave both her wants. A “quizzical half-smile”*

Invites a conversation, or it hints

At that.  Chiffon hides shoulders, who knows why?

Her breasts are also secret underneath

Its gauziness.  From each dark, glinting eye

A depth of prettiness proceeds.  The sheath

Of satin wraps around her waist.  She holds

A flower, it seems, a swishingness of white.

This prettiness perhaps is linked to folds

Of suaveness, silken freedom, nothing tight.

  Then almost hidden till you notice comes

    The lavender of valentine.  That thrums.

{* Lady Agnew of Lochnaw – Wikipedia}

Phillip Whidden