Nō Theatre in Slow and Slower Sadomasochism Motion

Nō Theatre in Slow and Slower Sadomasochism Motion

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

“eternity shows itself in love with the productions of time”

~ R. H. Blyth, Zen and Zen Classics, vol. 5, p.125

Eternity shows love by fanning time

Across the vacuum of space in vast

Tsunamis spreading constellation crime.

The galaxies of stars and black holes cast

Themselves against each other in this dance

Of orgy, gobbling others in their waltz

More like a whipping, punching, painful prance.

This loving finds itself in hot assaults.

A sun chomps sun.  In spice slow motion feasts

Mass reaches out with gravity to suck.

This means a marriage not requiring priests.

Each victim in this riot goes amok.

  Affection of this sort is timeless, though,

    Since eons pass unmeasured in their flow.

Phillip Whidden