Classic Roman Marble Walls are Not Poetry.  Monet Water Lilies Framed upon Them Are Not Poetry.  Poetry is Made to Spill.  Soul is Never Still. and  Art May Be Degraded But Is Not Defeated or Transient:  paired sonnets

Classic Roman Marble Walls are Not Poetry.  Monet Water Lilies Framed upon Them Are Not Poetry.  Poetry is Made to Spill.  Soul is Never Still.


Art May Be Degraded But Is Not Defeated or Transient:  paired sonnets

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

A poem is the texture of a mood

A god might have, more feeling than a thought

Yet only for a moment.  He might brood

Upon emotion briefly as uncaught

Outside eternity. If thinking comes,

Ideas must yield their right of way to blinks,

More truancy than teacher, turn to crumbs,

Be swept away by visions.  Anguish blinks

Away the realm of intellect when glyphs

Appear in high relief.  A lady still

Inside a picture frame is filled with ifs

Unanswered.  Poetry produces chill.

  Frisson will pass unlike a doctrine sent

    From sorrow.  Poetry is soul’s lament.

Phillip Whidden

Art May Be Degraded But Is Not Defeated or Transient

A chastity of marble on the walls

Is background to the wavers and the frills

Of water lily paint.  The stone recalls

No hint of ancient painted color thrills.

Our stripped-down notion of how ancient Greek

And Roman sculptures should appear, each blank

Of lurid colors missing from antique

Art now that ravages of weather shrank

Those hues to nothingness as times sloshed by.

The flatness of the beige is now the weight

Of centuries having done their worst, their sly

Attack.  They did erasure too like hate.

  The lilies with their ripples on the pond

    In oils show art is sovereign and beyond.

Phillip Whidden