Prophetic Suppositions

         Prophetic Suppositions

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

We have to guess if prophets ever wore perfume.

They do not tell us if they did.  Just where

They dabbed it (if they did), within the plume

Of pubic hair perhaps or armpit hair,

Or why they spread it there, we are not told.

If prophets stink, they must control the stench

But maybe they don’t fear that smells too bold

Will make the congregations gag and blench.

Let’s say the fragrances that seers wore

(If odors Sibyls used) upon their legs

Like Saint Sebastian’s girlie ones were more

Refined than ovals of nightingale eggs.

  Of course Elisha wore spiced lace across

    His beard to give his words an added gloss.

Phillip Whidden