Arctic Incantations Only in Their Nightmares

Arctic Incantations Only in Their Nightmares

Since ghosts make sounds of silver freezing, we

Do not hear specters.  Lost, their metal stains

Of tarnish are more silent.  Throats might see

Them as the smoke from Eskimos.  Refrains

From howling will not do.  The throttled ice

Inside their breathing passages is cracked.

Its frigid splinters will not quite suffice

To teach us why their voices can’t be tracked

Except by shamans dreaming by a fire

Inside a spirit igloo.  Mixed with air

Inside our noses ghosts kill off desire.

We almost smell them in their sleet despair.

  We cannot touch them and their snowflake tongues

    Cannot intone except inside our lungs.

Phillip Whidden