Seven Hearts Like Moon Rises Inside

   Seven Hearts Like Moon Rises Inside

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

A clutch of hearts he held inside his chest

Beside the fleshy one.  The first in youth

Was quite beyond his explanation—best

Forget it.  Then came one who brought the truth

So he could understand it.  That one gone

Soon left the space for heart swell number three.

Then came a heart more like a mystic’s dawn

That spread and spread and spread across the sea

And land of loving.  This light now has died.

A dark heart filled his ribs beneath the sun

Of Africa.  This chest became the bride

Of Orients of nights and silk-like fun.

  But now a blackness, brownness stretches days,

    An endless glowing of a full moon phase.

Phillip Whidden