The Meaning of Pearl Necklaces

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Most pearls are prized because the luster of

Their loveliness lies held in shape of spheres —

Though never perfect.  Given with a love

Strung out on strings of strength to last for years,

The little globes repose on bodies made

For fondness.  Warmth of skin and gentle tones

Are where the pearls should rest, their curves arrayed,

Allied with modesty.  Not diamond stones

They speak a love of calm, of pink or white.

But other pearls, Baroque in form, malformed,

Reflect perhaps those glints not quite polite,

Affections with misshapen passions stormed.

  The beauties vary.  They are life in fact,

    Not just romance.  Some dints and buttes refract.

Phillip Whidden