The Journey

                The Journey

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

I’ve purchased you a ticket.  It will take

You straight to dreams.  The trip is just one way.

“Return” is not upon it.  There’s no brake,

The destination, happiness.  Don’t pray.

The prayer is answered.   If a guard asks you,

You’ll wave the ticket.  He will say, “Go on.”

Obey him.  We will take the trip to true

Completion.  It is far beyond the dawn.

It stretches through God’s morning to a noon

You can’t imagine.  Then much better than

The best of evenings will appear a moon

That glows against dark night.  Love shows light’s span.

  The ticket didn’t cost me anything,

    Not really.  Futures are the songs we’ll sing.

Phillip Whidden