Clipped Affection

                     Clipped Affection

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

I want to return to the flower

and from the flower

to my heart.

Are you going, love?


(To my abandoned heart!)

~ Lorca, “Return” (“Recodo”)

My love for Charles was always chaste, no juice

From anywhere except the heart and mind.

No flowers, though, but just a bonsai spruce,

A longing, little crippled tree refined

By cruel restraint.  The roots of love require

Attention if the pruning of the limbs

Is harsh as ours was.  You may use hard wire

To stunt.  Unnecessary synonyms

(Religion and philosophy) you cut

Away if they become a threat.  Stick strong

To love and love alone.  The tiny strut,

The moveless strut is aimed for all along.

  Yes, friendships fill two shallow bowls — though wide.

    A shapeliness will give a lavish glide.

Phillip Whidden