Harsh Hypnotism

               Harsh Hypnotism

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

flee the dark wood of improbable forms  ~ Lorca,
“Ode to Salvador Dalí” (Oda a Salvador Dalí)

Who (rather what?) could possibly predict,

If flying from another galaxy,

This thing, this Thing so needing to be licked?

Its darkness makes the viewer want to flee

But like a cobra freezes that resolve,

Wants venom-like vanilla spitting love

Inside its victim.  Two desires revolve

Around each other, one a spellbound dove

the other swollen, thickened, dark-skinned greed.

The dove bows down.  This other lifeform knows

That it has won.  It shifts to shoot its seed.

The pulsing double imperative grows.

    The snake-like entity presumes, controls

      And (swallowed, swaggering) engrosses souls.

Phillip Whidden

Water by Culpeo-Fox on DeviantArt