Sublimation from the Depths

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? ~ Jeremiah 17: 9

If all our poetry could face the stars,

Would that cause roots of flowers to point to moons,

And dirt around our coffins make guitars

Become song’s strings in angel afternoons?

If all our poetry could spasm streaks

Of light, like comets in our heart of hearts,

Like sun flares causing Northern Lights, its peaks

Like domes that reach to darkest Arctic heights

This image provided Wednesday, April 21, 2010 by NASA shows an eruptive prominence blasting away from the sun March 30, 2010 observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite. NASA on Wednesday unveiled the first images from the new satellite designed to predict disruptive solar storms, and scientists say they’re already learning new things. (AP Photo/NASA)

By turning into flame-like arms and particles

Of speed to fingers touching northern skies,

Those flashes, nano-nanoparticles

Would change to music of the spheres, chords, cries.

  Our orange groves would no longer hold pocked orbs

    But move to gold as mists which Christ absorbs.

Phillip Whidden