A Florida Childhood

Against Screwtape’s Missal

          Against Screwtape’s Missal He knows the tongues of stones and dunes and sand, Those tiny rocks that only mystics know. He knows the languages that wind has fanned Across the deserts till they meet a mesa’s glow And dryness.  Tumbleweed,  mesquite, the best...

Heavenly Spheres of Orange Groves

Heavenly Spheres of Orange Groves In my father’s house are many mansions If I could hold your hot heart in my heart, Then heaven would heal.  That paradise would be A paradise that God alone might chart If he were everywhere.  That God could be Surveyor of the citrus...

Worse than Whomptyjawed

      Worse than Whomptyjawed Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  We try to place a tulip vase to block A voodoo mask.  The mask leers through, increased In size, distorted.  Like a tomahawk The threat...

Reverie and Hypnosis

         Reverie and Hypnosis Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  His irises come not from seashore waves In Florida.  Their Caribbean blue Smiles, ancient though, more ancient than the caves Where men first...

Constellations as Cathedrals Filled with Scientific Light

Constellations as Cathedrals Filled with Scientific Light Beside the seashore near my childhood home The stars are nearer, not just starlight; stars Themselves are closer in the heavens’ dome. It used to be that something like high haars Divided us from Alpha Tauri. ...

Pulling on the See-through Bell Cord

 Pulling on the See-through Bell Cord Your heart is made of silk but mine is made Of lycra.  When your veins are touched, they make No sound as if they fear an escapade With arteries that always feel an ache For thrills.  The warning bells have disappeared And so your...

Material Ideals

                Material Ideals Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The men who made cathedrals, workers, not The architects; the Indian men who built The temples, stone designs completely fraught With...

Delphi, Endor and an Empty Tomb

    Delphi, Endor and an Empty Tomb   Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  His conscience seeks for oriental kings. He hopes their gold and frankincense and myrrh Will give him wisdom and, if not, the wings...

Flowers like Leis Lying on an Altar

    Flowers like Leis Lying on an Altar Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The sculpture of a god whose powers are not Apparent waits for you to pray to him. Can he protect a baby in a cot? If so, what...

Unruly in a Village Cemetery

         Unruly in a Village Cemetery   They did not dream it when alive, yet ghosts Are happy when they find a way to cause Disruption as in polar bear cracked coasts, Antarctic shores — or like Antarctic claws From killers, icebergs floating toward the fate Of...

Miracle of Modern Medicine and Demonic Itching

Miracle of Modern Medicine and Demonic Itching It crept along inside her like a long- Lost angel Jesus couldn’t cure.  The wretch At worst had withered wings and lost its song. Inside her breast the devil couldn’t stretch And couldn’t fledge its arrows.  They could...


                      Testosterone Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem   https://preview.redd.it/2sabktru2ap91.jpg?auto=webp&s=44f636d4c1403e4c291fe5a6e3e850cdf73c4499 A rose of semen crossed with iron...

My Sonnet Wants to Be on Vellum

My Sonnet Wants to Be on Vellum Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  I know it’s nigh to blasphemy, but still It’s true:  my focus on the form I use Is like obsessions of the monkish quill And brush that in...

The Mind’s Rule Says There Is No . . .

The Mind’s Rule Says There Is No . . . The rain of yesterday stalks up my soul Though that is quite impossible because I do not harbor one.  No, no-one stole It, not a devil or a god whose laws Forbid such theft.  I simply never had A soul.  I’m not from ectoplasm of...

The Peaceable Kingdom

   The Peaceable Kingdom Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “Whatsoever things are true . . . think on these.” Philippian 4:8 Our world can never be pristine again. It never was, yet all too many feel It...

Gog and Magog to the Fray

Gog and Magog to the Fray Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem   “Great deceiver of the world” ~ A. Cleveland Coxe The prophets never thought about the chance That Armaggedon could be caused by...

Praying Mantis Unlimited

     Praying Mantis Unlimited Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Glass globes with snow scenes in them are alone In holding innocence.  No other space Shows equal calm.  Most others whisper groan While...

An August Morning and the Shukkei-en Garden

An August Morning and the Shukkei-en Garden Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A song that is a light beam which is both Perfume and phosporescence brings a balm To garden minds.  Above the undergrowth,...

He Tries to Turn His Back on Romeo — and Siegfried Sassoon

He Tries to Turn His Back on Romeo — and Siegfried Sassoon Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  He enters into something like a cage, A puzzle, more a labyrinth.  His aim Is to abandon, almost in a...

In the British Library and Later

     In the British Library and Later He spends his life among the books, the great Ones, yes, of course.  He reads about men’s love, Of Lancelot for Guenevere, and hate When men love men.  He asks himself, “When’s love If men love men and...

Mount La Verna’s No for Me

       Mount La Verna’s No for Me Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Along with love comes fear the way a cat Brings fur and puurs and claws, entangled, one. You cannot love the cave without fanged...

Fake Views a la Oedipus

           Fake Views a la Oedipus America is throbbing with those who Have thrown away the truth, have stabbed their eyes Out.  Misery of coveting shoots through What used to be their heartblood.  They breathe lies And when they do not get enough, a mouth Produces...

Islands are Harbors for Spliced Love

Islands are Harbors for Spliced Love    Sapho Sappho  By Guillaume Baviere from Uppsala, Sweden – 2014-12-22, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=73289397 She sang about the love of him, of her. She had his hair in mind–and hers. ...

Awe, the Akkadians, and Two Men in Love

Awe, the Akkadians, and Two Men in Love Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Loch Awe, embraced by Scottish hills alone, Lies long beneath the troubles caused by wind, Perhaps of troubled hearts.  The cairns...

Loss in the Mental Lottery

     Loss in the Mental Lottery Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  My mother had a stroke before the hours My oldest brother was to wed.  This stripped Her brain of language output.  Other powers Were...

Echoes in All the Senses

      Echoes in All the Senses Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem He hopes his words might cause the future’s pools To shimmer as if earthquakes dream of breath From Lucifer or maybe as if schools Of...

A Florida Childhood

          A Florida Childhood   A boyhood made of doodlebugs and bees Would be too boring, so throw in a bear His father shot and mother served with peas And carrots and potatoes — bear meat flair For lunch.  Another time a coral snake Was chopped up by his...

Living Love

                     Living Love I’m tired of poetry about the lack of love, How one man loves and someone fails to gasp In holiness of height’s devotion of A hoping heart and does not reach to clasp The sacrament on offer.  Incense tries To send the...

The Firmament Above, the Flowers Below

The Firmament Above, the Flowers Below Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  In dawns and twilights, winds prefer their lips To whisper, breezes coming, if at all, As gently as a smile.  Their fingertips Just...

“Adieu, adieu, adieu.  Remember me.”

“Adieu, adieu, adieu.  Remember me.” Hamlet, Act I, sc, v, 98 Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If you were ghost and I were ghost with you, Would specter mouths be tempted, bringing lips...

Skylarks Are Shot in France Despite Vaughan Williams

Skylarks Are Shot in France Despite Vaughan Williams Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The skylark soars above the corpses on The battlefield of live doctrinal hate. There often has been one bright sunny...

Burning Burnt Orange

 Burning Burnt Orange Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  There’s orange and then there’s orange of silk.  That lords It over other colors.  Purple bows Before it.  Others have no right in chords...

Holy, Holy, Holy Lips

           Holy, Holy, Holy Lips Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary If I had holy lips, my mouth would bring Them to the sacred spaces that all know, Especially those ones our seers sing. Sublime prophetic lips...

The Gasp of Moons

              The Gasp of Moons Moons suffer subtle tortures.  All around Them float sweet stars, sweet water drops that wink At them.  Sweet twinkling cruelties abound. Sahara dry, the moons can never drink. A shooting star or asteroid might hit A moon, but water...

Where Sandspurs and Mosquitoes Thrive

Where Sandspurs and Mosquitoes Thrive Modern poetry modern verse conteFmporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  For Matt Gaetz In Florida the afternoons are a parched With crush of slugs called damp and guck and heat. The slugs leave slime on...


                      Dumb Confusingly, (confusedly) he claims That silences have shapes; a silence has A shape (it follows).  Saying this he maims Clear thinking.  Silences are more like jazz, Progressive jazz completely jagged stuff. It’s good that he’s...

Always All Ways

            Always All Ways Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  When men are in that kind of love, then all Is right.  Then everything is rhyming red. Then every time is thrilled, unblinded Saul. Then...

Music Drama

                Music Drama Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem    We almost never want the notes in scales. We want the melodies.  We want the lilts And rhythms.  We want music that gives trails To memories...

“but in our stars”

             “but in our stars” We wonder whether we can ever find Each other in between our words and signs, Our gestures with our hands and arms.  We wind Remembered kisses as if valentines Among our pains of exile.  Not just lochs Divide us; more like...

Orange Passion

         Orange Passion Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem    Not often mango sunset clouds and sky Cause burnishing of Scottish lochs that shine In orange of special garnets.  Northern Skye Is foreign to...

Lost and Spellbound

           Lost and Spellbound The abstract breasts that jut out in the frames Of Modernism, jutting out and flat At once, Picasso’s amalgam defames, Because he wants to shock.  He had a spat With lovely art and so se wegt his bile. The spewings on the...

Stradivarius Our Language Above the Loch

Stradivarius Our Language Above the Loch Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Imagine creatures flying up above Our loch, our loch that never did exist Except in minds and hearts, except in love, The love...

Scottish Mists Cleaner than Before Marriage

Scottish Mists Cleaner than Before Marriage The air — our air — did not need cleaning.  Clean Was clean already.  Blackness of your hair Was perfect.  Nothing like hot iodine Was needed.  Scottish lochs did not need prayer. Love’s prayer was prayer...


                              Give Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary p My words will drown unheard without your love Upholding them.  The Hellespont invites Them, as it did the young old, young pure love Of Hero...

The Object of Poetry Betrayed

     The Object of Poetry Betrayed He starts off rhyming but he flops to slime Of almost rhyming:  “oily” rhymes with “me” Supposedly.  This failure comes from “crime” Of laziness.  He thinks that, shiftless, he Can shift and chop...

The Hometown Boys

          The Hometown Boys When men attempt to turn a nowhere place To poetry, the nowhereness bleeds through. The problem is the peopled childhood face, Once known, is sentimental, not quite true– If true at all.  The boredom is ignored The way a woman does...

Dulce et Floridum Est

                  Dulce et Floridum Est The hometown rocks the cradle of his dreams But not because he hankers for their claws To hold him close.  He shies from nightmare streams Of snakes.  A summer night-time insect gnaws Embedded in his memory.  Spiders crawl Where...

The Dripping Chimes across Millennia

The Dripping Chimes across Millennia Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Blond honeycomb and liquid amber drop In every era, not just in our time Or through lost 1950s days.  The crop Of orange blossom honey...

Fundamental Stuff

            Fundamental Stuff Endangered species — sonnet, villanelle And triolet — are crushed out now by verse That’s “free,” where form and rhyme have gone to hell. If only this stuff tended to be terse . . . But, no, it dribbles,...

The Diddy and Al Capone Gnomes

  The Diddy and Al Capone Gnomes That leper, poetry, is exiled now To margins of the world, especially if  Its lines are rhymed and rhythmed.  Fat hausfrau Is how it’s viewed.  It’s found to have a whiff Of corpse which seems to be like dried up crap. Now...

Logic and Love will Set You Free

    Logic and Love will Set You Free Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The magnifying glass of language helps. The notion of a science made without That lens makes sneers.  True poets cause the whelp Of...

Saint Valentine’s Day Sonnet Sequence; five sonnets for Saint Valentine’s Day; “Are You So Sure?”; “Bedtime as Rhyme”; “The Scottish Lover’s Valentine-headed Pike”; “Rocks Spewing Down a Scottish Tilt”; “Saint Valentine, not Faint Valentine”

Saint Valentine’s Day Sonnet Sequence; five sonnets for Saint Valentine’s Day Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Are You So Sure? “You are not repeat”  ~ W. S. Graham, Aimed at...

DemocKKKracy X the Anagram of Evil

 DemocKKKracy X the Anagram of Evil When priests ignore the meaning of the rite, When God forgets the meaning of the knife That slits the throat and brings on endless night, The humans left behind in clueless strife Continue with the ritual, so bound They are to...

Healthy Helix

           Healthy Helix Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  He thinks that he is not a monster, not His father, not his mother, a bit Too much like both, but too much like a clot Of two good people, sucked...

The Day before Saint Valentine’s

The Day before Saint Valentine’s  For Granddaddy Baxter Wilson The doctor’s forms do not require to know If you have been a criminal but need To say if certain parts of you now glow With viral love and whether manly seed Shoots tinged with fun you never...

Or William McGonagall

           Or William McGonagall He has this feeling he will never find His home, not in this or in another more Expansive incarnation.  God’s broad mind Is not an option.  On another shore With Buddha we might blackly learn That we are trapped again but in a...

Attention-seeking Brat like Rimbaud

Attention-seeking Brat like Rimbaud “he never will be missed” ~ The Mikado     A poet (!) says that language traps him tight. I mean, my GAWD, that’s through the looking glass. I might accuse him, saying he is trite, Except I know the truth. ...

Portent, Almost Would-be Love

   Portent, Almost Would-be Love Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Another wind is blowing on the side Where you are, signalling silently and straight. On my side, here, the curving breezes glide And you...

Many Meanings and the Two-way Mirror

Many Meanings and the Two-way Mirror Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  On double sides of language we can find Some truth and maybe even both at once. The truth, though, is that faiths are always blind In...

God’s Intervention Like a Hurled Rock

God’s Intervention Like a Hurled Rock “the blueness of wounds” Those unbelieving eyes of snow surround Her.  Iciness like heat’s waves travels through Her hammered brain cells like the echoed sound Of God’s creation, banging, leaving blue Its bruises in the jelly of...


            Licentiousness Conceived as art or prophecy, a dream Of seers, poetry is jailed.  It must Be free.  It must be able to redeem A broken tea cup and to kiss the mussed Coiffure of Marilyn before she dies Of blonde indifference in a clutch of pills. The poet...

The Lochs, Coldness, Love

   The Lochs, Coldness, Love Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Large lochs move far away and farther.  So It seems at least without you near in space And time, in eons time, or nearly slow As that without...

Brown and Pink

            Brown and Pink The bracken, as life does, has turned to rust. They make their way up through it, rustling through The brown.  They need to find a way to thrust In love — or something like it.  He shoves spew Inside pink guts once they are over hill...

God Turned Night to Light, but . . .

 God Turned Night to Light, but . . . Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  He knew his instincts and he knew them right, As right as when Jehovah ordered space And time, as when His beard proclaimed the light...

Flat Worth

                       Flat Worth Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  One faith stands out.  It does not teach that souls Exist and does not say they don’t.  It follows that It does not say that god or God...

Withdrawal of the Winter Heating Allowance

Withdrawal of the Winter Heating Allowance The February air inside his house Invades the body.  Even bones Feel threatened.  Poverty and cold each souse His inward flesh.  They both are inward clones Of shivering muscle.  English air that used To be like...

The Modern Ships Retreat from Searching for the Golden Fleece

The Modern Ships Retreat from Searching for the Golden Fleece Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The word ship he is making is a war Machine upon the sea of poetry. The battles are between him and a corps...

Disappearing Dreams and AK-47 Daydreams

Disappearing Dreams and AK-47 Daydreams Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Forgetting most, he searches in between His dreams and in between his other dreams, His daydreams.  Dreams are more like toluene...

Coronis and Hyacinthus

              Coronis and Hyacinthus Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Sun daydreams are from gods, divinities From Greece who moved to France (with Rome Along the way).  Their masculinities Refuse the...

The Reincarnation of Hippolytus in Florida

The Reincarnation of Hippolytus in Florida Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Another dream he had in boyhood nights Trapped boy upon the brackish shore, lagoon Of seaweed shore, and like the nightmare...

Never Mind the Brahan Seer

         Never Mind the Brahan Seer Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  At times we wake up wide in sleep called dreams. The Greece we never visited comes up In visions worthy of its Iron Age gleams. We see...

Laid Out Not for You to See

   Laid Out Not for You to See   The cameras cannot call up fingertip Of touch no matter what the Canon lens, Of kiss, a red caress.  Ohhh, linger lip On satin touch with wet.  Vas deferens Is far beyond the scope of camera click Unless removed from love, and who...

Sailor’s Intercourse in Avila

  Sailor’s Intercourse in Avila Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Inside my warship made of words I feel I do not need a spyglass, do not need New maps.  I do not need some other keel Or rudder. ...

Gaslighting Battalions Followed by Fact

Gaslighting Battalions Followed by Fact When poets are involved in war, they take Their stances separately,  not set as corps Like soldiers in platoons.  To undertake Their poet duty, each perceives the war From different angles.  Some, among the first, Are those who...

Miniaturization of Romance in Showers

Miniaturization of Romance in Showers .. The wind’s rain shows the light like stars across The cosmos, but some eyes decide to see The vacuum of nothingness.  Shine’s gloss Is not desired enough.  Instead a scree Of pessimism made of Scotland reigns. The...

He Was Real Before He Became a Pablum English Myth

He Was Real Before He Became  a Pablum English Myth Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Reduced to being hero, poet, dead And soldier, he is trapped up on a plinth Above pink paving stones, his gorgeous head...

Perversion to Uncouth

   Perversion to Uncouth   When families shun their sons, religion kills Whatever it can find.  What faiths love best Entails the worst, Jesuitical skills To shunt the highest laws to sidelines, wrest Those laws away from central truths, and shrug Those principles...

Buried for Millennia in Darkness of Dead Dreams

Buried for Millennia in Darkness of Dead Dreams Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If roses turned to pyramids, their weight Would add no beauty.  Brilliant hues would all Be banished in blank sanctums to...

Not Silently,  Not Silently, the Wondrous Gifts

Not Silently,  Not Silently, the Wondrous Gifts Do not forget the shapes that you have known. You ken the ones I mean.  The ones you took Out, played with, licked, you now recalling groan As only hearts can moan.  Don’t overlook The forms that you have fondled. ...

On Wings of Longing

         On Wings of Longing In future I will fly to Spain to find . . . And find.  I hope to find a long-lost past With someone in it, long in heart and mind Of meetings, Edinburgh, Aix . . . memories vast For me, as long as forty years and more. This one I hope to...

In a Glass of Absinthe Mixed with Trojan Blood

In a Glass of Absinthe Mixed with Trojan Blood Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The oldest Homer, blind or not, might see That caves of poetry are where the dark And torches, wavering with black, agree....


                            Red Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The red around us means STOP, DANGER, NO If it is human-made.  Perhaps it hints Some other code in nature.  In the glow Of skies at sunset,...

Silent Singing

“The silent stars go by” ~ Phillips Brooks The stars are silent, always silent, though If one soars through another auraed star, A roar must sound.  Their particles must go Right through coronas.  Each hot haar must scar The other but the silence, once profound, Turns...

Alpha Men and the Arts

          Alpha Men and the Arts Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  When far too manly in your thought, don’t dream Of doves collecting sighs or nightingales Amassing sobs.  Your thick-thighed rugby team...

Thorny, Growing Things

         Thorny, Growing Things Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A sonnet wants to go somewhere, not just Within itself.  It travels in its thought And themes.  It wants a wider wanderlust Perhaps of...

Olympus and Mount Helicon Inside Us Always

Olympus and Mount Helicon Inside Us Always Our singing starts when mind and heart awake A pen or tongue.  The singing might be notes Or words, composer or the poet.  Blake Or Brahms begins inside us.  Singing floats Out from our fingers or our mouths.  The lips Then...

Grasping Your Soil

              Grasping Your Soil Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The acrid root of love has gilding on It.  Wrinkles on it are not hidden by The gold.  They look like shrivels that are drawn By greed. ...

Though ’Twere 10,000 Waves

 Though ’Twere 10,000 Waves Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If you were near a distant loch, away The miles from England where I dream of you, Dream daydreams of the hair on you, Strathspey Between us,...

Olympus and Mount Helicon Inside Us Always

Olympus and Mount Helicon Inside Us Always Our singing starts when mind and heart awake A pen or tongue.  The singing might be notes Or words, composer or the poet.  Blake Or Brahms begins inside us.  Singing floats Out from our fingers or our mouths.  The lips Then...


                    Behaving Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If I could be my Prospero, some hours Perhaps, perceive the cosmos through his eyes While hiding underneath a shrub from showers Of English...

Brown and Pink

           Brown and Pink Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem    Bracken.  Public domain. The bracken, just like life, turns back to rust. They make their way up through it, rustling through The brown.  They...

Nosebleeds in a Coffeehouse Might Help

Nosebleeds in a Coffeehouse Might Help “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked” Howlers annoy.  The “poets” speak their lines In limping prose and then expect the rest Of us to call it verse.  There should be...

Spitting Cobras

              Spitting Cobras Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Spitting Cobra | The Toxic Sprayer The darkest planets are the ones you taught Me I should fear.  Pink holes of blackness are Their realms. ...

Interior Forever Regrettably

     Interior Forever Regrettably Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Remembering her nakedness with black Triangle patch there at her center, he Recoils these decades later, patch myth black Now, more like...