Kabibi Love and Flowers and Other Things

Colossal Crimes Called Civilization

Colossal Crimes Called Civilization Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem          Heroic heads of hammered stone lay vast Beneath the steaming soil for centuries, held In secret hiding from us all a past...

Nō Theatre in Slow and Slower Sadomasochism Motion

Nō Theatre in Slow and Slower Sadomasochism Motion Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “eternity shows itself in love with the productions of time” ~ R. H. Blyth, Zen and Zen Classics, vol. 5, p.125 Eternity...

White, White, White

      White, White, White   “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh”   He wore a diadem of frost, a ring Of snowstorm.  Both of them protected from The little thing called love.  They meant he’d cling To more important things. To overcome The little trash of love a...

No Pool of Siloam Here

       No Pool of Siloam Here The eyes of hurricanes he sharpens with When turning looks to one who loves him.  Storm Occurs inside this heart which yearns.  A pith Of blankness made of iron not very warm Is what he offers.  Whirlwinds maybe, more Like spawned...

Unignited Love

             Unignited Love “The smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and for ever” Ghazals have been around as long as fire Has filled the hearts, the arteries and veins Of men with fragrances of male desire, The smoke of torment rising from their pains In...

Perfume as Music in Christ’s Ears

   Perfume as Music in Christ’s Ears Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If you could play a sky-time orb, which one Would you pick up?  The moon as tambourine Might fill your night-time, or the midnight sun...

As Crazy as Allen Ginsberg

          As Crazy as Allen Ginsberg Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Imagination is a bit too small Inside my brain.  I can’t imagine why An Indian chef would ruin food, appal It with green peas, or...

Avila Cathedral Interior by Heinrich Hermanns

Avila Cathedral Interior by Heinrich Hermanns Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal”  Imagine turning richness into haze Of mystic light and...

Midnight Madness and Daybreak

   Midnight Madness and Daybreak Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Our dreams swell up inside our outer brains, The upper, mantle layers.  Then we see Vanilla visions in our beds.  Sight stains Enough...

Gored Matadors and Stabbed Bulls Have Ancestors

Gored Matadors and Stabbed Bulls Have Ancestors Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Old oceans too have deaths.  Seas wither, dry And turn to stone, compacted with their shells And fossils made without an...

Dwindling to Battery-operated Glimmer

Dwindling to Battery-operated Glimmer Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy found their highest bliss in gazing together at a glow-worm ‘laid safely by itself...

Kabibi Love and Flowers and Other Things

Kabibi Love and Flowers and Other Things Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem             Kabibi came to me the first day of My teaching in that Great Rift Valley school. At first I did not know how much my...


            Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The tears from cavern ice spears slide down, more Like snow, that brief.  The entrance where they drip As saltless weeping is like melting hoar Frost caused by...

Like Laocoön and his Offspring

 Like Laocoön and his Offspring Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem He sculpts a statue where the brow of stone Is filled with something more than words or lines, Much more than marble poetry, more groan Than...


                   Melancholia Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The dreams reach out as branches from the trunk And try to scratch the brain from far inside. More bark-clamped than a deep-celled troubled...

Beyond the Veil

             Beyond the Veil Avoiding ghost temptations to go through The curtain made of voile of silk between The living and the other side, to you Where you are, she pretends that heaven’s sheen Surrounds you now.  This helps her camouflage The truth about the man...

Paradox of Coleridge’s Liberty

Paradox of Coleridge’s Liberty “the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man                                    Down to a sunless sea.” ~Coleridge, “Kubla Khan” “Art submits itself to law in order that freedom may be brought out by contrast.” ~...

Rethink of Wordsworth—Recollection is the Point

Rethink of Wordsworth—Recollection is the Point Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “I saw gods ascending out of the earth.”  1 Samuel 28:13 Tranquility is not the point.  The calm In future shadows does not...

Primeval Will

               Primeval Will A poem is primeval will as strong As impetus in evolution for Our trees around the globe.  The words push, long, Enduring as a Giant Redwood, core Of heartwood at trunk’s center.  Poetry Demands that humans write it, speak it, sing Its...

Poetry Competition and Demolition Derby

Poetry Competition and Demolition Derby The only competition in the world Of poetry that matters is the fight Between the heart and mind.  If they are swirled Together, that might work, but if a slight Of one against the other misaligns Their balance, there is danger...

Poetry Competition and Demolition Derby

               Poetry Competition and Demolition Derby Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem        The only competition in the world Of poetry that matters is the fight Between the heart and mind.  If they are...

Three Caskets of Dreams

    Three Caskets of Dreams  “Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.” ~ The Merchant of Venice The mind stores every memory at least Three times.  You do not have to speculate. You know exactly why.  Collapsed and creased Deep down in brain...

The Poet Arrives in Havana (El poeta llega a la Habana)

The Poet Arrives in Havana (El poeta llega a la Habana) Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Warning:  The video under this sonnet is not for the faint-hearted. It seems when Lorca went to Cuba, he Arrived in...

Mass Loaded Vinyl Cage

                   Mass Loaded Vinyl Cage Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem          He sings, a member in the burning rungs Of seraphim stacked high around the throne Of passion.  Fizzing, flaming,...

Trapped in Various Spaces

     Trapped in Various Spaces Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If Jupiter could smash the railway track, It would, but, spinning far too far away, Fails.  Asteroids space’s junk-like flak Would kill wee...

Amaranthine Beauty

        Amaranthine Beauty Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Eternal skin does not exist.  That’s wrong. Eternal beauty begs to be rehearsed, Again, again.  Eternal beauty, strong As death, as wide as...

For TikTok, Instagram and not . . . Eternity

For TikTok, Instagram and Not . . . Eternity Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A buried sundial, buried in the ash Of Pompeii’s death, saw time not marked by sun For nearly two millennia.  As trash In...

The Force of Dreams

              The Force of Dreams I dreamed of you last night.  I dreamed and dreamed, Yet more, as if there never had been dreams In me till then.  Reality it seemed Had never been reality.  Green dreams Of Eden never could have been like you There in this night of...

Reflected Down on Africa

        Reflected Down on Africa Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  He built a white, moon garden on the edge, That cliff down towards the Great Rift Valley’s floor. White roses bloomed in curvings toward...

Mrs. Lindon and Beyond the Veil

Mrs. Lindon and Beyond the Veil Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem    Fanny Brawne, later Mrs. Lindon Avoiding ghost temptations to go through The curtain made of voile of silk between The living and the...

Prescription Aforethought

       Prescription Aforethought Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  It is as if he is an injured pulse Inside a ghost, assuming that a ghost Is more than vacuum.  His veins convulse Despair.  He thinks he...

“wind, and fire”

                 “wind, and fire” “upon this blasted heath” The wind goes spying through the oak trees.  What It looks for is not known, but surely not A secret hiding place, a nissen hut For raising weed, and surely not a thought I lost one twilight long...

Prophetic Rendezvous

          Prophetic Rendezvous Choose not to have God’s voice.  A dream is not Enough.  He sometimes offers visions framed In many-meaninged syllables, each fraught With danger.  Scriptures must remain untamed Or boredom fills us.  Bow to human need. Leave behind you...

Drunk on Innocents’ Blood

       Drunk on Innocents’ Blood Annoyance from lightweight metal tins Of beer comes out from those who, burping, drink. No swiller ever stops to ponder sins Against the victims.  Guzzlers do not think About the nastiness of chugging booze, Effects on others.  All...

Screwtape Messaging

        Screwtape Messaging   “Never let a fool kiss you and never let a kiss fool you.” The oldest voice, the voice of open thighs, Is part of whispering, shouting. urging need. Ears hear it, almost, it’s so loud.  The eyes May Braille it if they want to.  Written...

Petrified Voices in the Verses

       Petrified Voices in the Verses Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The older voices call in me.  The smell Of marble mined for sculptures, dust of stone Is in the words.  White bearded throats compel...

Moon Garden in Kenya

         Moon Garden in Kenya The half-moon had a nightmare.  Lovebirds bashed Around inside their cage set up beside The Great Rift Valley.  Thorns of roses slashed The air despite their pure white blooms.  A bride (That dark-haired spider) ate her husband fresh From...

Compostela or Knock — Wherever

    Compostela or Knock — Wherever Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The saints are dressed in all their silks and gems As never in their holy lives before Their martyrdoms or whatever.  The hems Below...

Patriotism for Putin

                Patriotism for Putin Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The soldiers have hard skulls, each made of steel. Unfortunately, though, for them they lack The power to cry.  Because they do not...


                             Malé At times I’ve lived where palm trees set the scene. At certain times I lived where young men pace In night-time parks dressed up and moonlight keen For something like romance.  They cleanse a space Around them so they do not...

The Slither

The Slither In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals on a wet, black bough. ~ Ezra Pound   Two Years Later The eyes of shock remain Electric sockets burnt out in the skull.   The beauty of man never disappears But drives a blue car...

Epic Schmepic

                 Epic Schmepic To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. ~ William Blake The scales of sonnets and of haiku tempt Some readers to reject the smaller forms As less...

Coursing Length

              Coursing Length              With nerves of gold prepared by pent up heat He waits, with nerves of gold beneath that skin That lengthens most, he feels the heart-pulsed beat. With highest purity of carat sin He waits, has waited far too long.   The wait...

Suspended Pistols

             Suspended Pistols Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem Most men are made of crudest iron in shapes Like penises instead of thorns.  These blunt Iron prickles make their forced, demanding scrapes In victims often in...

The New Jerusalem Comes Down to Earth

The New Jerusalem Comes Down to Earth Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem          Despite a vampire novel trying to Describe what Paradise is like, despite The sacred texts and sacred visions through...

Classic Roman Marble Walls are Not Poetry.  Monet Water Lilies Framed upon Them Are Not Poetry.  Poetry is Made to Spill.  Soul is Never Still. and  Art May Be Degraded But Is Not Defeated or Transient:  paired sonnets

Classic Roman Marble Walls are Not Poetry.  Monet Water Lilies Framed upon Them Are Not Poetry.  Poetry is Made to Spill.  Soul is Never Still. and  Art May Be Degraded But Is Not Defeated or Transient:  paired sonnets Modern poetry modern verse contemporary...


                    Bastet Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem    Cats do not need to look at us with eyes Like hieroglyphs, with sideways glance.  We know Cats’ stance already.  Cats have astral skies Inside...


               Postpartum Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A sonnet inspired by the painting “Au Bal,” by Berthe Morisot When women see a thing, they see it not As men do.  Just as color blindness comes...

A Religion for Bergamot, Lemon, Iris,  Jasmine, Rose,  Patchouli, Vetiver, Opopanax, Tonka Bean, Frankincense,  Sandalwood, Musk, Civet, Ambergris, Leather, and Vanilla

A Religion for Bergamot, Lemon, Iris,  Jasmine, Rose,  Patchouli, Vetiver, Opopanax, Tonka Bean, Frankincense,  Sandalwood, Musk, Civet, Ambergris, Leather, and Vanilla Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If...

Prophetic Suppositions

         Prophetic Suppositions Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  We have to guess if prophets ever wore perfume. They do not tell us if they did.  Just where They dabbed it (if they did), within the plume...

Arctic Incantations Only in Their Nightmares

Arctic Incantations Only in Their Nightmares Since ghosts make sounds of silver freezing, we Do not hear specters.  Lost, their metal stains Of tarnish are more silent.  Throats might see Them as the smoke from Eskimos.  Refrains From howling will not do.  The...


My sun is made of vellum.  They accuse It.  But what if this is so?  It sends out flares That scare away eclipses since their Muse Is garbled freedom.  I prefer the stairs Of Jacob to defamers’ ladders for Wild salmon and the loosest leaps for spawn. My moon is made...

The Stunted Loveliness

          The Stunted Loveliness Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  My body was the shallow pot of earth For you to use to make your bonsai in.  My soul Was waiting, though.  To start this gnarled birth You...

Still, Still, Still

         Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Narcissus was the lucky one, escaped The dirtiness of others in him, round Him with their sweat.  Their mouths gawped and he raped Them never touching.  Facing...

It’s a Mad, Mad, Sad, Bad World

    It’s a Mad, Mad, Sad, Bad World Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Some artists are so desperate for the new That they create mere nonsense, not the art We want.  They wield farce art for just the few...

Seven Hearts Like Moon Rises Inside

   Seven Hearts Like Moon Rises Inside Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A clutch of hearts he held inside his chest Beside the fleshy one.  The first in youth Was quite beyond his explanation—best Forget...

Coral Griefs

Coral Griefs “The Sea on Fire”: Jean Barraqué Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem If mermaids basked on beaches, then their hair Would be of swaying sea grass, whether blonde Or red, and combed with coral...

“That Has Such Creatures In It”

   “That Has Such Creatures In It” Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A moon around the planet Saturn peers At earth and hopes that it is crystal.  Rock Rings block far surveys.  More like long lens tears...

Possibilities as Exotic as Zanzibar

         Possibilities as Exotic as Zanzibar Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  These things I might have been:  streaked tourmaline Stone baked and crushed in lava, or stringed pearls So ancient that they...

 The Meaning of Pearl Necklaces

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Most pearls are prized because the luster of Their loveliness lies held in shape of spheres — Though never perfect.  Given with a love Strung out on strings of strength to...

Various Ways of Gauging

      Various Ways of Gauging Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The stars and planets and the moon mislead Us. Lunar influences tend to be worst, Irrational at best.  The comets speed And glitter, each a...

Internal Truth

               Internal Truth Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Time stops.  It touches all the space between The planets, comets, stars and galaxies.  Time spreads Yet stops, eternity like this, unseen But...

The Journey

                The Journey Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem I’ve purchased you a ticket.  It will take You straight to dreams.  The trip is just one way. “Return” is not upon it.  There’s no brake, The...

Alhambra Paladin

               Alhambra Paladin Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Far better than the flashing fountain fire Of love inside a Moorish courtyard, eyes, My eyes are fixed on flesh, your flesh, desire As...

The Thousand and One Heights

 The Thousand and One Heights Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  لحب الجنسي Let us imagine that we have an hour Alone together in Alhambra tiles, A fountain playing near us with its shower Of love that...

The Hint

The Hint Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  His mind had watercolor’s purple on It, nothing overdone, but it was there. The wash was not of yellow, far from dawn Of orange.  His heart and soul were not...

Sports as Warts

              Sports as Warts Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  I ruled out playing sports a while before I learned that they are bad and I was bad At them.  Most other boys went out to score Two-second...

Clipped Affection

                     Clipped Affection Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem I want to return to the flower and from the flower to my heart. Are you going, love? Farewell! (To my abandoned heart!) ~ Lorca,...

Internal Medicine

               Internal Medicine Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  And you will say: ‘Love! Love! without your wound being closed. ~ Lorca, “Towards” (Hacia) You strip the skin and flesh first.  Then you...

New Orleans Drinking Whiskey Neat

New Orleans Drinking Whiskey Neat   that which halts itself                                                                                              dreams. ~ Lorca, “Running” (“Corriente”) A sonnet lends a pause.  It brings a halt To Tuesday stuff.  It enters...

Hollywood, Bally-wood, Female Smally-wood, Schmallywood

Hollywood, Bally-wood, Female Smally-wood, Schmallywood Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  While feeling slightly nauseated with The imagery around him in the scenes And songs, with all the Hollywood blonde...

Dusk on Cape Canaveral

Dusk on Cape Canaveral Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  That which travels                                                                                                                                  ...

James and Thomas, Ordinary, Homely Names

James and Thomas, Ordinary, Homely Names Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  That which travels Clouds itself.  ~ Lorca, “Running,” (Corriente) The pilgrimage to Santiago or To Canterbury tries to clear the...


 Longing Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If I believed in ghosts, your ghost would be The one I want to haunt me long and long and long. Your specter would be stretched out.  I would see It.  Only I...

Psittacines Epiphany

             Psittacines Epiphany Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemp orar Doug Janson, Wikicommons Truth finds itself, if found, in one small patch Of fur or feathers.  God or Zen resides In one small creature.  Faiths attempt to scratch...

Cutie Pie Cat

                 Cutie Pie Cat The pink-nosed face of Prospero my cat, Pink nose and white fur face, is what he rubs Against me, purring.  He does not know that I love him since he’s cute.  My finger scrubs His whiskers and his ears because I think He likes that kind...

Harsh Hypnotism

               Harsh Hypnotism Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  flee the dark wood of improbable forms  ~ Lorca, “Ode to Salvador Dalí” (Oda a Salvador Dalí) Who (rather what?) could possibly predict, If...


                         Weird Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  How strange these bright orbs seem beneath the snow Of Florida.  The rarity should be The flakes heaped up on an orange van Gogh Might...


                    Delphi Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  To die while the dew Is yet undried, that would have Meaningless meaning. ~ Kōyō [Englished and twisted by Phillip Whidden; the more correct...

Men Live in a Maze of Muddles

       Men Live in a Maze of Muddles Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  You summon the light that rests on the brow, not reaching the mouth or the heart of man. ~ Lorca, “Ode to Salvador Dalí” (Oda a...

Wagner After Cosmetic Surgery

       Wagner After Cosmetic Surgery Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  There’s nothing wrong with Wagner opera that Some major surgery would not improve. Declamatory singing from the fat Voiced tenors, fat...

The Spectrum Picture

         The Spectrum Picture An acorn drops.  It sinks right through the pool. No meaning is ascribed to this.  Perhaps A ripple lasts a while across the cool, Clear water.  No dimensions echo, lapse Or send out messages.  That’s it.  That’s all. Not any ramifying...

What Use is Hydroquinone in a Vacuum?

What Use is Hydroquinone in a Vacuum? Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Imagine for yourself the beauty of The dead.  A man once loved in wonder now Is lost because no photos in his love Exist. ...

Layers in Dissevered Dimensions

Layers in Dissevered Dimensions   https://na-pulpit.com/zdjecia/mgla-japonski-ogrod-poranek.jpeg   At first he hears the gravel there below Yet fails to feel it, sandals blocking sense Like tastes, cold, missing, when the tongue meets snow. The bitterness of yew in...

With the Blessing of Patriarch Kirill

    With the Blessing of Patriarch Kirill Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Sounds strike together.  Sirens send their screams To shrill their way beside, around and through The mothers and their children...

There Are Masters and Then There Are Masters

There Are Masters and Then There Are Masters Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem    Photo of George Harrison by Gaur on Wikipedia The moth’s desire for muzziness of moon Looms large in some men’s minds.  They...


                Wretched Romans 7:24 The heart desires to be misled.  It hopes And hopes and hopes.  The heart wants silliness Instead of facts and facts.  It goes down slopes Of wishfulness.  The heart picks frilliness On Valentines, or hard testosterone If...

Do Not Be Silly about Dalí or French Alexandrines

Do Not Be Silly about Dalí or French Alexandrines no room for dream and its inexact flower ~ Lorca, “Ode to Salvador Dalí,” (Oda a Savador Dalí) We still have room for dreams as well as flowers. Uncertain blooms? They fail to exist, no Approximate lilies.  His signal...

Thrills and Swoon Romantic Novels

Thrills and Swoon Romantic Novels Your fantasy reaches as far as your hands ~ Lorca, “Oda a Salvador Dalí” (Ode to Salvador Dalí)   The prophet is a poet.  His experience is one known to the poets. What the poets know as poetic inspiration, the prophets call divine...