Argument at the Christmas Dinner Table

Argument at the Christmas Dinner Table

A group of hyenas can devour an entire zebra, leaving no leftovers—not even the bones— in under half an hour. However, this feeding frenzy comes at a cost; hyenas rip, claw, and fight with one another over the remains of their meal.”


The one thing human beings love the most

Is disagreeing.  They are like a pack,

Hyenas gobbling down a zebra, dosed

The lot of them with vicious greed and lack

Of any decency among them.  They

Devour enough of zebra but they can’t

Quite get enough of quarreling.  They bray

Their biases though scant of facts.  They rant

Their prejudices slick with victims’ blood

Assuming that the other creatures round

About are trivial, their thoughts worth crud.

What matters is the slurping, crunching sound.

  When finished with their snarling feast, each snout

    Is scarlet.  You’re unhappy?  Well . . . go pout.

Phillip Whidden