Not Just Fame

          Not Just Fame

Modern poetry  modern verse contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

“Sherril Shell’s Byronesque reproduction of Brooke’s own devising (the one his friends thought revulsive enough to dub ‘Your Favourite Actress’), takes precedence over his poetry.”

   Rupert Brooke

   Lord Byron

If Brooke himself devised this Byronesque

Arrangement, black and white, then maybe he

Was wiser than the rest.  Too Junoesque

In beauty hovering, divinity

Upholding him forever after on

The photo printing paper, this cliché

(Though not cliché because the lovely swan

Is male and not a goddess) shows the way

To view this follower of Byron.  Byron, too,

Loved boys and women not quite balanced in

Brooke’s life, but still . . . weighing this profile view

We reckon what this later Byron’s sin

Appears like.  Gazing past the photo’s frame

He thought of boys and women,  Zeus and fame.

Phillip Whidden