Personalized Epiphany
“This ‘conspicuousness’, he adds ‘will later be inhabited
by poetry, thus becoming perhaps the characteristic that
distinguishes poetry from every other form.’”
~ Michael Schmidt, The First Poets, 19
Deep poetry does something depths can not
Do. It stands out among the arts, a thing
Conspicuous in power. Music, hot
With inspiration, has a different wing
Which rises in the air and heart, but lines
Of Mariana trench profoundness work
Inside the heart, inside its fathom brines
And currents. Down in that divinest murk
Are frigid swelters only words can tell.
The plastic arts appeal to eye alone,
Or sometimes hand, but do not cast the spell
Veins need. Paints do not travel in the bone.
..The theatre and film demand too much
….Control. A poem grants the reader’s touch.