Absolute Whole

Absolute Whole

             Absolute Whole Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Illusion and Enlightenment are one. Illusion and Enlightenment are two. Both dream and firefly fluttering each shun Full grasp, but floating...

Gold and Copper Living Gaul

   Gold and Copper Living Gaul Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Here armored, gilt and copper, copper breast And gilt of knee with shin guard shaped in gold, He rests with dots upon his hairless chest....


~ Phillip Whidden        Apotheosis We want incisors on the skull of hate To bite it till it gives up music, art And epic thoughts, yes, all of loving’s freight Desired.  We want those teeth to gnaw the heart Until it yields the mathematics of Our highest beauties,...

Farther Than an Undetected Star, but . . .

Farther Than an Undetected Star, but . . . Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  We know that nothing can be further from Us, further than the past.  The past is gone Much farther than orations from the dumb....

Truer than True

                Truer than True Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Those things inside our throats are waiting for Their meaning.  Music sung begins as notes Which once inside the mouth might want to soar...

Universalist Units

                          Universalist Units Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If grains of sands     hold universes, then The cosmoses are grains of sand.  The sense Is clear, the logic locked, and so the...

God’s in This World, All’s Pyrite in Heaven

God’s in This World, All’s Pyrite in Heaven “God’s in His heaven– All’s right with the world!” ~ Robert Browning When poets enter other people’s brains, Especially the made up ones, the threat Is like paradisal tree that...

Over Millennia

                Over Millennia The autumn, with tall steppings like giraffes, Brings colors taller, taller than the rest Of seasons.  Graceful, slim months come like laughs Of palettes, legs and necks in step and blessed Like warmer spots, a million autumn leaves Upon...

Pinioned Prescriptions:  Two Sonnets

Pinioned Prescriptions:  Two Sonnets Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem              Ornithological Therapy If birds obliged, they might resolve to aid Us in disorders of the heart and mind. The robin might...

Recessional Marche Triumphale ~ Sigfrid Karg-Elert

Recessional Marche Triumphale ~ Sigfrid Karg-Elert Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Throughout the chancel and the nave fall flowers In colors edged the space with petals, form And shape.  Despite the...

“while unending ages run”. . . and the Obscure Poet

“while unending ages run”. . . and the Obscure Poet Joshua 10:12-14 The printed program had those words within It from a hymn.  An irony was caused. The service was about as long as sin Has ruled the Church.  Apparently time paused. The service stretched and...

Retort to an Unthinking Funeral Ceremony

Retort to an Unthinking Funeral Ceremony “Daur ye say Mass in my lug? ~ Jenny Geddes Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The priestess said that God loves everything He made.  I kept my seat.  I did...

“Nor the moon by night” ~ Psalm 121

“Nor the moon by night” ~ Psalm 121 Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Please never interfere at night, God.  Let The moon strike any time it wants. I need It.  Keep the sun away, but, please, God get The...

The Interpretation of a Cherry Tree

  The Interpretation of a Cherry Tree Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If I were like a tree limb, I would sleep As if in blossom like a cherry tree, Not just a branch.  My secrets I would keep Inside me...

Mockingbird’s Song as Colors

   Mockingbird’s Song as Colors Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Northern Mockingbird singing. (yNorthern Mockingbird singing. (youtube.c The mockingbird sings lavishly, and less Like mist of rainbows,...

Loveliest of Trees — an Antidote to Autumn Foliage

Loveliest of Trees — an Antidote to Autumn Foliage Imagine drinking saké underneath The cherry blossoms.  Saké and the food Are not about our deaths and joys — a wreath Of loss and life.  This day is for the brewed Sak-ura-flavored drinks, the pink of blooms, The...

No Matter Where You Bathed

   No Matter Where You Bathed Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  No matter where you bathed, the water would Have turned to gold, a liquid gold that gods Would know.  Your black dream hair was like a hood,...

All Muddled Up as if a Nightmare, Us

All Muddled Up as if a Nightmare, Us Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  In dreamland you returned to me from death. Because our dreams are strange, strange, strange without Compassion, colorless as Arctic...

Things Fall Apart When We Fail to See

Things Fall Apart When We Fail to See Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Some poets aren’t the prophets of the world. At times these poets come too small.  When Yeats Pronounced a dissolution deeply swirled...


  Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The purity escapes, is hard to grasp Unless you do it with your handless soul. The purity escapes.  No latch or hasp Can hold it since you know the unseen whole Is...

Silence is Only Silence

              Silence is Only Silence Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The moon has never made a pond grow dark Or deep, or punched a hole in it, nor made A poem underneath the wet, or shark To lunge.  If...

Out of Joint with Petty Time

     Out of Joint with Petty Time Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If you are filled with contradictions, you Have hope and not despair alone.  You may Not be a Hamlet with a prince’s view Of kings and...

November Calm Forgets Them

November Calm Forgets Them Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  We want to sleep as pears and apples lined Up in the autumn thinking not of graves. Our cemeteries are too much refined. New England’s basements...

Cosmic Regurgitation

            Cosmic Regurgitation Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Black holes are darker than the darkest spheres Of planets.  You might fear them if you saw Them.  Even more the darkest holes cause smears...

Ghost Sharks

                         Ghost Sharks Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Ghost sharks are sharks and not.  These sharks, these fish Pre-dated sharks and rays for eons.  Ghosts In their appearance they look...

Brevity as Gasps

             Brevity as Gasps Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Too seldom women feel themselves like dew And men less seldom even.  Life cut short Like lightning is a thought we seldom view Though close...

“And Man Became a Living Soul”

 “And Man Became a Living Soul” Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  ~ Genesis 2:7 Consider what your soul wants most of all, The bhumisparsha not required.  The palm Holds fingers pointing out to...

Back Garden Universal

 Back Garden Universal Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The dew upon the petal of the rose Remains undyed, a purity of red, A purity of crimson drops transpose To brightness held up in a flowerbed Like...

Heaven and Earth

      Heaven and Earth “Eternity is in love with the productions of time.” ~ William Blake When gods get bored, they leave eternity And step through gauze-like curtains into time. While being trapped in their supernity, They yearn for thrills on earth and...

My Hermitage Where I Sit in Isolation

My Hermitage Where I Sit in Isolation Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Perhaps I’ll build a hut just off a trail In Appalachian mountains far away From everyone and everything, derail The rush, block out...

Words Do Not Have to be Gilded on Ivory

Words Do Not Have to be Gilded on Ivory Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem        The tatters down below the lines he writes Take on a meaning.  There the smudgy stains Incurred inside his shopping bag are...

Transcendent Escape from Silliness

     Transcendent Escape from Silliness Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Why are people called Buddhas After they die? Because they don’t grumble anymore, Because they don’t make a nuisance Of themselves...

The Western Pure Land

      The Western Pure Land Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Amida made a vow to save us all, All creatures in their incarnations.  Love And mercy lift us.  Other saviors fall Far short of such...

Leaden Jewels

         Leaden Jewels      “When the half-gods go,      The gods arrive.”      ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Abandon the religion you were taught. It seemed like diamonds set in white gold rings, But now you see the truth.  Some truths are not Religion if they lack...

Like Us and Not

                Like Us and Not Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The moon becomes its crescent shape, then full, Then phases back to crescent.  In the day It disappears.  The ocean feels its pull. The...

The Women Trapped in a Convex Volcanic Mirror

The Women Trapped in a Convex Volcanic Mirror Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Obsidian, a lump of ancient black, Is held against a woman’s palm.  She grips Its roughness in her hand, its flesh quite...


                    Adoration Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  I want the night to lose its blindness, take Its blindfold off for angels’ searing sight. I want a fissure caused by earth’s crust’s quake To...

Unconcern Separated by the Thickness of Hot Skin

Unconcern Separated by the Thickness of Hot Skin Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Your blood was always free of light for me. You kept your secrets utter in between The women.  Bleeding like a maple tree...

“A Man of Original Inactivity” ~ Ikkyū

“A Man of Original Inactivity” ~ Ikkyū A nothingness is where we come from, writes A poet, and we go to nothing, then Insists we’re like a bird, in that, in mead flights Through Viking halls goes out the window, men Not noticing.  It flies from night to night, From...

Not Just Nirvana

              Not Just Nirvana The meaning of the Passion does not quite Fit in with Buddha’s or the Hindus’ way So near enough one fifth thinks Passion’s blight. The point is in escaping it, its sway. Samsara is at best a dirtiness That reels out incarnations,...

Outside the Realm of Words

    Outside the Realm of Words Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem                      “Words after all,” he said, “are only words ;                      And I have heard so many in these few days          ...

A Disappearing Fact

             A Disappearing Fact All sins in every place and every time Are sins, not matter what.  The sins long past Are hard for us to realize.  Each crime That we have not committed like the vast Ones, Buchenwald  and Auschwitz, we can not Quite deal with, never...

Red Letter Day and South American Spice

Red Letter Day and South American Spice Today I spooled out sonnets, sonnets, ten Of them, extruding all like plastic knives, Or forks, or spoons.  They spilled again, again, Again as boring as Solomon’s wives Became to him, perhaps, each plaything thin As plastic...

Matthew Parris

              Matthew Parris Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Perhaps you have a favorite columnist Who writes with wit and cleverness about The news.  I do.  For years he hasn’t missed The most important...

A Little Child Shall Impede Them

  A Little Child Shall Impede Them Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The mind, says Buddha, waits as blank and mild Before its birth as crystals made of snow. The mind waits flawless, waiting for a child...

Just Being Yourself, According to Your Nature

Just Being Yourself, According to Your Nature Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  I’m sorry, Henry David.  Pleasure for You differs from the pleasures of the rest, But . . . pleasure’s pleasure.  At your...


Cmp  siti   n Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Not Christmas Eve, not Easter Evensong, But just a Tuesday near cathedral bells Come snows as melodies, produce a throng Of beauties, whisper in their sacred...

Know Thyself Inside

            Know Thyself Inside Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Most men and women feel that utter Truth Lies somewhere far outside them like a star Beyond another galaxy.  A sleuth More like a saint or...

All Ways

                      All Ways Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The figure of the Real Man        Standing there,      Just a glimpse of him,–            And we are in love.  ~ Ikkyū   Two Years...

For Bonnie Petroschuk

  For Bonnie Petroschuk Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A different kind of reader hovers here And there.  Her realm of readers does not need To understand the mystic meanings’ sphere Of lines.  She does...

Autumn Reincarnation or Moksha

     Autumn Reincarnation or Moksha Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  When autumn comes, comes wisdom made of fierce Transcendence, beauty of the hues of fire And death, the beauties,  harshness, force to...

Goodnesss, Truth and Beauty, All

       Goodnesss, Truth and Beauty, All A torch with smoke and gods unknown despatched The darkness, making more than art, much more. The spirit kingdoms, kin to men’s, were snatched Occult from realms unpainted, made to soar From mere reality and sent above To walls...

Pre-Vatican II

                    Pre-Vatican II In Lascaux caverns far inside the dark Where flambeaux flared the only light, a hand Stroked holiness along the stone.  The stark Necessity for human minds to brand Eternity with what they worship found Fulfillment. Nearly physical...

Questing Everywhere Except Inside

Questing Everywhere Except Inside Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Too many try to live by trifles taught Them by a fast-filled Buddha or a saint, Pastel in spirit by the time they sought His insights...

The Greek Word “Muein” Says “Do Not Utter”

The Greek Word “Muein” Says “Do Not Utter” Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem      You keep your mouth shut till the moment comes That mysticism enters you.  That light Floods in until your inspiration...

The Computer Room Replaces the Bedroom

The Computer Room Replaces the Bedroom Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Men used to disappear in mistress ways, Their mistresses agreeing that a wife Was worth disdain.  While in the bedroom blaze Of lust...

Tree Surgeon, You Did Not Heal Thyself

   Tree Surgeon, You Did Not Heal Thyself Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If you had been a tree, the problem would Have been your roots.  Your height reached up as high As Absalom suspended.  Fatherhood...

Colossal Crimes Called Civilization

Colossal Crimes Called Civilization Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem          Heroic heads of hammered stone lay vast Beneath the steaming soil for centuries, held In secret hiding from us all a past...

Nō Theatre in Slow and Slower Sadomasochism Motion

Nō Theatre in Slow and Slower Sadomasochism Motion Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “eternity shows itself in love with the productions of time” ~ R. H. Blyth, Zen and Zen Classics, vol. 5, p.125 Eternity...

White, White, White

      White, White, White   “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh”   He wore a diadem of frost, a ring Of snowstorm.  Both of them protected from The little thing called love.  They meant he’d cling To more important things. To overcome The little trash of love a...

No Pool of Siloam Here

       No Pool of Siloam Here The eyes of hurricanes he sharpens with When turning looks to one who loves him.  Storm Occurs inside this heart which yearns.  A pith Of blankness made of iron not very warm Is what he offers.  Whirlwinds maybe, more Like spawned...

Unignited Love

             Unignited Love “The smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and for ever” Ghazals have been around as long as fire Has filled the hearts, the arteries and veins Of men with fragrances of male desire, The smoke of torment rising from their pains In...

Perfume as Music in Christ’s Ears

   Perfume as Music in Christ’s Ears Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If you could play a sky-time orb, which one Would you pick up?  The moon as tambourine Might fill your night-time, or the midnight sun...

As Crazy as Allen Ginsberg

          As Crazy as Allen Ginsberg Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Imagination is a bit too small Inside my brain.  I can’t imagine why An Indian chef would ruin food, appal It with green peas, or...

Avila Cathedral Interior by Heinrich Hermanns

Avila Cathedral Interior by Heinrich Hermanns Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal”  Imagine turning richness into haze Of mystic light and...

Midnight Madness and Daybreak

   Midnight Madness and Daybreak Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Our dreams swell up inside our outer brains, The upper, mantle layers.  Then we see Vanilla visions in our beds.  Sight stains Enough...

Gored Matadors and Stabbed Bulls Have Ancestors

Gored Matadors and Stabbed Bulls Have Ancestors Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Old oceans too have deaths.  Seas wither, dry And turn to stone, compacted with their shells And fossils made without an...

Dwindling to Battery-operated Glimmer

Dwindling to Battery-operated Glimmer Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy found their highest bliss in gazing together at a glow-worm ‘laid safely by itself...

Kabibi Love and Flowers and Other Things

Kabibi Love and Flowers and Other Things Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem             Kabibi came to me the first day of My teaching in that Great Rift Valley school. At first I did not know how much my...


            Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The tears from cavern ice spears slide down, more Like snow, that brief.  The entrance where they drip As saltless weeping is like melting hoar Frost caused by...

Like Laocoön and his Offspring

 Like Laocoön and his Offspring Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem He sculpts a statue where the brow of stone Is filled with something more than words or lines, Much more than marble poetry, more groan Than...


                   Melancholia Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The dreams reach out as branches from the trunk And try to scratch the brain from far inside. More bark-clamped than a deep-celled troubled...

Beyond the Veil

             Beyond the Veil Avoiding ghost temptations to go through The curtain made of voile of silk between The living and the other side, to you Where you are, she pretends that heaven’s sheen Surrounds you now.  This helps her camouflage The truth about the man...

Paradox of Coleridge’s Liberty

Paradox of Coleridge’s Liberty “the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man                                    Down to a sunless sea.” ~Coleridge, “Kubla Khan” “Art submits itself to law in order that freedom may be brought out by contrast.” ~...

Rethink of Wordsworth—Recollection is the Point

Rethink of Wordsworth—Recollection is the Point Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “I saw gods ascending out of the earth.”  1 Samuel 28:13 Tranquility is not the point.  The calm In future shadows does not...

Primeval Will

               Primeval Will A poem is primeval will as strong As impetus in evolution for Our trees around the globe.  The words push, long, Enduring as a Giant Redwood, core Of heartwood at trunk’s center.  Poetry Demands that humans write it, speak it, sing Its...

Poetry Competition and Demolition Derby

               Poetry Competition and Demolition Derby Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem        The only competition in the world Of poetry that matters is the fight Between the heart and mind.  If they are...

Three Caskets of Dreams

    Three Caskets of Dreams  “Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.” ~ The Merchant of Venice The mind stores every memory at least Three times.  You do not have to speculate. You know exactly why.  Collapsed and creased Deep down in brain...

The Poet Arrives in Havana (El poeta llega a la Habana)

The Poet Arrives in Havana (El poeta llega a la Habana) Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Warning:  The video under this sonnet is not for the faint-hearted. It seems when Lorca went to Cuba, he Arrived in...

Mass Loaded Vinyl Cage

                   Mass Loaded Vinyl Cage Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem          He sings, a member in the burning rungs Of seraphim stacked high around the throne Of passion.  Fizzing, flaming,...

Trapped in Various Spaces

     Trapped in Various Spaces Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  If Jupiter could smash the railway track, It would, but, spinning far too far away, Fails.  Asteroids space’s junk-like flak Would kill wee...

Amaranthine Beauty

        Amaranthine Beauty Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Eternal skin does not exist.  That’s wrong. Eternal beauty begs to be rehearsed, Again, again.  Eternal beauty, strong As death, as wide as...

For TikTok, Instagram and not . . . Eternity

For TikTok, Instagram and Not . . . Eternity Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  A buried sundial, buried in the ash Of Pompeii’s death, saw time not marked by sun For nearly two millennia.  As trash In...

The Force of Dreams

              The Force of Dreams I dreamed of you last night.  I dreamed and dreamed, Yet more, as if there never had been dreams In me till then.  Reality it seemed Had never been reality.  Green dreams Of Eden never could have been like you There in this night of...

Reflected Down on Africa

        Reflected Down on Africa Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  He built a white, moon garden on the edge, That cliff down towards the Great Rift Valley’s floor. White roses bloomed in curvings toward...

Mrs. Lindon and Beyond the Veil

Mrs. Lindon and Beyond the Veil Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem    Fanny Brawne, later Mrs. Lindon Avoiding ghost temptations to go through The curtain made of voile of silk between The living and the...

Prescription Aforethought

       Prescription Aforethought Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  It is as if he is an injured pulse Inside a ghost, assuming that a ghost Is more than vacuum.  His veins convulse Despair.  He thinks he...

“wind, and fire”

                 “wind, and fire” “upon this blasted heath” The wind goes spying through the oak trees.  What It looks for is not known, but surely not A secret hiding place, a nissen hut For raising weed, and surely not a thought I lost one twilight long...

Prophetic Rendezvous

          Prophetic Rendezvous Choose not to have God’s voice.  A dream is not Enough.  He sometimes offers visions framed In many-meaninged syllables, each fraught With danger.  Scriptures must remain untamed Or boredom fills us.  Bow to human need. Leave behind you...